Welcome to the Oshun's House
A precious corner to spread and share Oshun's Love and gifts.
Oshun, the Goddess of the River.
Oshun, the Queen of Laughter and Happiness.
Oshun, the Owner of the Mysteries of Love and Sensuality.
Oshun, the most beautiful Orisha.
Oshun, the Owner of Sweetness and Honey.
Oshun, the Queen of Laughter and Happiness.
Oshun, the Owner of the Mysteries of Love and Sensuality.
Oshun, the most beautiful Orisha.
Oshun, the Owner of Sweetness and Honey.
Oshun is one of the most highly regarded,
respected and admired deities in Cuba. Oshun is represented in Cuba by the Our
Lady of Charity of Cobre.
Oshun is the goddess of love, sweetness, prosperity, pleasures and wealth. Oshun drips her honey anywhere she walks, Oshun heals with her honey and waters, her color is yellow, her number is 5, her day of the week is Saturday.

Many compare Oshun with Aphrodite, the Greek Goddess. Oshun symbolizes love, is a cadence, pleasure, Oshun is wealth, Oshun is sweetness, Oshun is happiness, Oshun is laugh, Oshun is LOVE.
Oshun is very protective of her followers and can be severe at times, we all must treat her with utmost care and respect.
Oshun is the youngest of the female Orishas but retains the title of Iyalode, which means The Great Queen. Oshun is the Queen of freshwater streams, springs and rivers, Oshun represents love, fertility , happiness and wealth.
I am is Libertad, Ocantomi in Ocha, it means the
Heart of Oshun. I am a Iyalorisha omo Oshun in the Cuban Santeria Tradition, I come
from the heart of Oshun and she lives inside of me. I dedicate my life to Oshun
and she rewards me with happiness, powers and ethereal gifts.
I have been blessed by the gifts of my mother
and guardian orisha, for 15 years I have had Oshun crowned as my guardian orisha
and after I die in my next reincarnation I will come back to earth as a daughter of Oshun.
Oshun speaks to me and I am her voice, it took
many years to find her, she found way before I did, Oshun has probably found
you already and all you have to do is to open your heart to her. Many years
ago, Oshun came to my head to set me free, today, I am here to help you be
free, free from sadness, anger, indecisions, pain, loneliness, grief, sorrows,
and all the human miseries that anguish so many every day, a drop of sweetness
from the heart of Oshun shall come into your heart.
May Oshun Bless You.
May Oshun Bless You.
Maferefun Yalorde