Monday, August 6, 2012

Turn a "Capicua" Bill into a Good Luck Amulet

"Capicua" means Palindrome number, it reffers to a number that reads the same from left to right and right to left. For example: 212, 5400770045. The term "Capicua" originates from the Catalan expression "cap i cua" (head and tail).

Pay attention to any bill that reaches your hands, if at some point you come to own a bill whose serial number is "capicua", you could say that Lady Luck has touch you with her magic wand.

Place this bill for five days and five nights inside something golden, it could be a  will have played with the magic wand. Allow this ticket for three days and three nights in a golden object: can be a garment, a handkerchief, a box, anything will work as long as it is golden.

After the five  days place it in your wallet and do not spend it for any reason, soon you will notice improvement in your financial situation.

If at any time you no choice but to spend it, never used to pay for medicines, food or any basic necessity article. Try to use it to buy something frivolous, a gift, a plant, a decoration or to pay for trip.

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